Having undergone numerous trials and learned many different lessons, the Disciple at Brotherly Love finds himself pleasantly drawn to those that are similar to himself. Their shared histories not only give them many things to discuss, but have instilled in them various ways of being that mold those interactions harmoniously. Because they are valued as 'Brothers' to Christ, and thus to each other, the Brethren resonate with one another and are both comforted and encouraged by the others. They are drawn together by their shared histories.
This sense of shared Brotherhood is independent of one's denomination, but, instead, is driven by the activity of the Spirit in their lives. It is also independent of their wealth and social status, at least, that is the goal.
While they may be hampered in the formation and functioning of their 'fellowship' gatherings, by reticence and differences in their Spiritual Maturity Levels, these differences can be overcome. Suggestions for doing so are noted in the pages which follow.