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End Notes

This page revised and Copyrighted: Theon Doxazo

28 December, 2023


2 Peter Theory on Virtue


As 2 Peter 1 specifies that Faith/Pistis precedes Virtue/Arete, so our understanding of Virtue should appear within the context of Faith.


Faith begins with the Convert's fear of Death holding them in slavery.  When they make peace with God through Jesus, the convert is offered a place in heaven with Jesus.  This undercuts the fear of Death and makes the fear of Dying more tolerable.  This produces a release from the 'slavery' of the Fear of Death and a reduction in the need to defend oneself.  This, in turn, produces a redirection and release of energy.


These effects are subjectively experienced as a joyful release of bold power.  The new Convert 'explodes' in a joyful display of thanks and social involvement.  The Convert shares what s/he has found in Jesus and animatedly tells others that they can find security in Jesus too!  As they move from person to person they seem almost like a bumbling puppy dog.  They surge this way, they turn and go another.  They fall and get right back up.  They get up into your face and lick it.  Some won't like it, and even friends will take steps to slow them down a bit.


If this new Convert is confronted by someone authoritatively, they may react boldly.  They may feel it their duty to speak of Jesus and will not abide by what they are told to do (Acts 4:19-20).


The new Convert is joyous, boisterous, energetically outgoing.  S/he strives to tell everyone about Jesus and the joy found in following Him.  This joyous energy directed into bold action for Jesus is what Arete is all about.


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